Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Taking Advantage of People

Throughout history, religions have been created and still today continue to be created. Most people have a common faith that they have inherited from their ancestors; they have and always will practice their religion as long as it seems to be in their favor. Some people go to church to cleanse their conscious of the naughty things they’ve been doing and fear the wrath of their god. Others may have a lot of things going their way and they want to thank their faith in religion for these blessings. Other people might be in a situation where life has handed them hardly a morsel of luck or faith; they may also blame a god for their misfortune or stop believing in religion altogether. These people would be in a prime condition to find faith. Finding faith is a reason why religious studies and practices are so intricately different. People take what they have been told and they mix these views with their own personal life experiences to create an ideal trust in someone or something. Sometimes people can believe in someone and take their words as the words of god. To do this they have to trust and hold such a person in the highest respect. In return the person who is in supposed contact with God must value this trust and use it to spread their beliefs. This relationship usually works out quite nicely for the people in such a bond. They find a trust in each other and each gain the ability to use one another. In the 1930’s a relationship like this spawned in Detroit, Michigan. Wallace Fard, the leader of a new psuedo-Islamic religion, became acquainted with Robert Poole, a southern migrant with an already growing discontent of self status. Robert Poole saw a rope of faith hanging from Wallace Fard. He became his best friend and in time Fard taught Poole every detail of his Nation of Islam. Fard even declared himself Allah, or God, and disappeared, leaving Robert Poole with a new name and title that would make him the leader of the religious group. Poole’s new name became Elijah Muhammad, meaning the prophet messenger of Allah. He took the role as leader of what was left of the Nation of Islam and moved the headquarters to Chicago, IL. In Chicago, Muhammad set up Temple No. 2, igniting a spark of religious flame that continues to burn today. The Nation of Islam possesses characteristics like all other religions, holding the faith and continuing to gain support from both old and new Black Muslims (Encyclopedia of African American Culture). Just like every other religion, the Nation of Islam has doctrines. These doctrines were set down and enforced by Muhammad. A great portion of the Doctrines were copied directly from Orthodox Muslim tradition. Practices such as eating only one meal a day, praying five times a day to their sole god Allah, and reading their holy Koran daily are all a part of the Nation of Islam’s rituals. To add to this strict regiment, it was also necessary to separate one’s need for cosmetics, drugs, alcohol, and any other vices created by the white man. This scorn for the white man or â€Å"white devil† as Muhammad would have referred to them, is a profound emotion underlying the basics of his religion. It would be wise to note how much hate is tied to the Nation of Islam. This hate can be used as an avenue of gathering. It gives a nucleus of discussion and reflection that its members can all relate to. The members are found to be highly racist: they believe in a total separatism of all other cultures, specifically Caucasians. Only black men and women are welcomed. The current leader Louis Farrakhan follows Muhammad’s teachings to the word. He believes that Elijah Muhammad was the prophet of Allah and that all of his teachings were the words of Allah (Esquire). Elijah Muhammad held a tight grasp on his followers. He saw that no one in his organization was socially outcast. In fact, the practitioners of his faith were all law-abiding citizens that rid themselves of all debt. This quality was a genuine blessing in the eyes of most African Americans in the late 1900’s. It is highly respectable to not owe money to anyone; it shows a sign of competence in a person’s ability to provide for their family. The ability of Elijah Muhammad to reform broken men and women was an attractive power to a culture in America that had been waiting for an avenue out of the lives they were already stuck in. The separatist attitude of the Nation of Islam is a direct repercussion from the views of racist white supremacy groups. After admitting to yourself that this nation was founded on the ideas of rich white slave holders, you can understand the demeanor that these Black Muslims carry towards the white ace. Instead of fighting the discrimination they were receiving by pacifistic ways they chose instead to fight the social structure head on. Just like the racist groups that were making African Americans’ lives so hard, they too sought segregation. This belief comes from the stories of human history that Muhammad fed his followers. The story tells that in the beginning Allah created the black human race. This â€Å"superior† race of humans held all the power and knowledge to rule the world. Somehow a mad black scientist created the white race, a cruel and deceiving race. They then took the power from the black people by tricky and unjust ways. â€Å"God gave the white race the right to rule for 6,000 years. That rule is terminating†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Muhammad, Elijah). Allah then granted them this power, allowing white men to rule the world for the next 6,000 years. According to the Nation of Islam this power transfer happened about 6,000 years ago. Now that the time had come for Allah to help the black race take back the power they deserved, Muhammad was preparing for war. This belief is where the Nation of Islam’s Muslims and the Orthodox Muslims differ. It also seems to be a magnetic force that ties the followers together with dignity. It would be appealing to anyone to be a part of a master race of humans. It is the same technique that created so many Nazi party followers of Hitler. Muhammad is plainly creating the belief in a hierarchy of races where the black man is on top. This position as ruler is a justifiable desire, especially considering the state of African Americans in America’s social structure halfway through the century. It would be a Godsend to be moved through such ranks of power and it was this miraculous transition of power that appealed to the minority culture. Elijah Muhammad created an avenue for African Americans to redeem themselves from the white prejudice by becoming a more respectable human. Besides Muhammad’s cries for black supremacy and a total separation from the United States, the man actually enhanced the quality of life of his followers (Newsweek). In 1940, Elijah Muhammad was arrested for draft evasion. He ironically pled that his religion kept him from fighting the war. His time spent in jail turned out to be a pivotal point in his ability to hold a tight grip on the faith of his followers. In jail he acquired a number of converts. In the 1940’s prisons were full of convicts that were full of hate for the white man, who had imprisoned them under his white laws. It was simple for Muhammad to turn the anger of these convicts into hope. He filled the men in jail with a pride in their heritage and encouraged them to express their pride to the outside world. His most famous convert was a man named Malcolm X. Beyond Malcolm X there were many other convicts that became peaceful, law abiding citizens. Muhammad took junkies and healed them of their habit. His words gave hope to a community that has been down-trodden since it arrived over 200 years ago. A driving will and determination flowed from him into the characteristics of other Black Muslims. The Black Muslims created an empire that Elijah Muhammad once controlled (Time). The Nation of Islam has grown proportionally well since its origin in the early twentieth century. Today it is led by a man named Louis Farrakhan. â€Å"When he called the African-American community to participate in a â€Å"Million Man March† on Washington, D. C. , 400,000 responded—twice the number who walked with Martin Luther King Jr. in 1963. Unlike Dr. King, everything Farrakhan said was dedicated to Allah. † (Staff) The numbers of members of the Nation of Islam has not declined, but it is not as powerful of a presence as it used to be when Muhammad was alive. Louis Farrakhan believes that Elijah Muhammad is alive and well on an alien ship that he has said he has visited. It is often noted that the police were threatened by the quality of people that were Black Muslims. They said it made them feel uncomfortable because these citizens were all flawlessly law abiding. They held the highest moral standard and were presentable for any occasion. This power to impress society with your presence was another drawing force for new recruits. It seems that most any person would want to feel valued and respected. The Nation of Islam was offering this in exchange for a complete conformity to their beliefs. The inner social structure of the Nation of Islam was very self aware and efficient. The members all shared a close family bond to one another. This feeling of belonging is a natural human desire. The men and women of the organization were all very welcoming toward any prospective member. An alliance in a world that looks to be out to ruin you is a must. The Nation of Islam attracted idolized men such as Muhammad Ali, a world famous boxing champion. Having professional role models in your religion is a strong reinforcement that you have made the right decision. In life humans look to each other to figure out what they are doing. This ricochet of dependability is one reason why we have clubs and organizations. People get together and look for a common ground on which they can stand. Elijah Muhammad gave African Americans the common platform of racism to stand on. It was easy for them to reach this common ground because this is the same platform that countless white Americans had been espousing from the moment the Africans arrived. Elijah Muhammad had reversed the effects of racism to create a unifying force that struggling black men and women could reach for. He provided an opportunity to take a life that looked meekly respectable and turn it in to a self sufficient unit of hope. He turned prison convicts into upright citizens. Muhammad convinced drug addicts to give up their vices in the name of Allah. He helped people get their finances back on track. In his struggle to create his dream of unified separate black nation, Muhammad had found a way to turn struggling bums into men. Although Elijah Muhammad is dead today, his legacy still continues to thrive under the leadership of Louis Farrakhan. It is not an Orthodox Muslim religion but it still values the cleanliness and self improving values of the Muslim faith. The Nation of Islam is actually a sharp mixture of all religions tied together, becoming separate from any of the religions it is based off of. It is fresh starting ground for people who have been looking for a new faith that seems to be headed in their direction. Unlike Christianity, Buddhism, or Mohammedanism, Black Muslims have the belief that they are a special breed of human that is designed to rule the world one day. Once its members are convinced of this prophet it is easily understandable that they would aspire to belong to such an organization. It is empowering to be told that you are a part of the master race and that in a short time you will be in direct contact with your creator, who will show you the one avenue to providence personally. No other mainstream religion preaches a life that is in any way superior to another man’s, they all share a bond of unifying equality. It is easy to see that the so-called equality that the African Americans have been experiencing is not quite equal at all. This gives rise to a desire to be on top, a desire conveniently supplied by Elijah Muhammad. When analyzing the history of religion it is acceptable to view them all as a righteous path to self-improvement. The Nation of Islam contained all the necessary functions to make its members stand out and shine in a society that had constantly dulled the significance of the African American. Among many reasons, the Nation of Islam was a source of hope to struggling men and women with the desire to better their position in life. The Nation of Islam created a system that was bound to be self sufficient. â€Å"Islam holds that all humans are born with a predisposition to Islam; it is part of their innate nature. The human problem is thus the forgetting of one’s inborn tendency to follow Allah†. (Fisher, Paul) This unexplainable phenomena graced the Nation of Islam with a little bit of weight to throw around. It also supplied a strong presence that still impacts the religious decisions of Americans today (Islam). The Nation of Islam was a power because of its numbers. It had the ability to draw crowds and keep them. Something in the message that Elijah Muhammad carried seemed to pull African Americans into his following. He had found what people wanted to hear. He used racism to strike an angry chord of passion in his fellow Black Muslims. This passion gave him the driving power to unify his people and start a religion that cannot be denied credit for its ability to improve life. The basic tenants of this religion are transposable to a correct way of living. All aspects of their life seem to be in control, making it a model religion to follow. It is this control that has made the Nation of Islam flourish. Elijah Muhammad controlled his followers and unified their cries for a better life. The control he kept was valued by onlookers hoping that they could have such control over their own lives. This undercurrent of faith, although marred by racism and separatism beliefs, is powerful enough to continue attracting numbers of followers in the hope to make their lives better.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Case Study Cdos

Case Study – CDO CREATIVE BALANCE SHEET RISK MANAGEMENT: VALUE CREATION? 1) What is a CDO? Who buys CDOs? CDOs are a type of asset backed security composed of bonds issued by special purpose vehicles (a corporate entity that holds the assets as collateral, packages them and sells the resulting notes to investors). Normally, the bonds issued are divided into tranches with different risk characteristics and debt rating. Each tranche carries a different rating which determines the interest and cash flow for each layer. There are several types of underlying assets that the special vehicle can buy.The most typical are corporate bonds, corporate loans, trust preferred stocks, mortgage-backed securities and commercial real estate bonds. Those described above are conventional CDOs. Banks also created synthetic CDOs. The main characteristic is that the credit risk is transferred by a derivative (credit default swap, normally) but the originating bank retains the underlying pool of asse ts in the balance sheet. Nevertheless, with synthetic CDOs credit risk is transferred and the originating bank obtains an important relief in capital requirements.There are several investors interested in buying CDOs. The motivations for those investors are different depending on the tranches they buy. In general, investors buy CDO assets with certain rating that offer a higher return than more traditional securities and benefit from the theoretical diversification buying a CDO portfolio. Risk adverse investors such as mutual funds and pension funds will buy the senior tranches in order to obtain a higher return than buying treasury bonds.Senior tranches pay a spread above LIBOR even if they are rate AAA. Other investors, such as hedge funds, banks or private banking organizations can sometimes prefer junior tranches such as mezzanine notes and equity notes, tranches offering yields normally not available in other fixed income products. 2) Who sell CDO and why? CDO is a form of secu ritization. When securitizing, banks manage to transfer their loans out of their balance sheets, transferring also the credit risk of these loans. The main CDOs issuers are investment banks.Transferring credit risk, banks require less capital to accomplish Basel II capital requirements. Moreover, banks will use capital ‘excess’ and the cash they receive from the loan transfer to lend again money to more attractive lenders, generating additional fees, returning higher incomes and improving RoAA and RoAE. This constituted the principal objective for Richard Mason for issuing CDOs in RBS. The second important reason for banks to issue CDOs are the commissions and the fees they earn during the CDO life.Thus, CDOs are in theory a very attractive product for originating banks which explain their development in the last decade reaching a volume of $520 billion in 2006. In practice, issuer banks transfer their loans to special purpose vehicle (SPV) that will package these loans and sell notes with interest and principal payments to the interested investors. 3) What are the main characteristics of the SEQUIL/MINCS deal described in the case? SEQUILS/MINCS is a specific structure that combines both plain vanilla and synthetic CDO structures and uses two separated SPVs.In the case, RBS sells a portfolio of loans to the SPV SEQUILS. SEQUILS will issue notes from this portfolio and sell them to investors. SEQUILS will also buy a credit default swap from Morgan Guarantee, paying a regular fee and transferring in theory the credit risk to JP Morgan. As JP Morgan will hold the risk, SEQUILS will be able to issue some notes with AAA rates even if the underlying loans were rated BB- to B+. Then, JP Morgan will back the loans with its own credit default swap while at the same time transferring the CDS to investors through a separate SPV (MINCS).By doing this it separates the funding and the credit risk on the loan portfolio into two separate pools of investors. 4) F rom a pool of loans  « below investment grade (BBB)  », the deal promise the creation of investment grade securities (some AAA and the worst is a BBB). Fantastic! How is this possible? The main objective of this structure is to transform low rating loans into higher rating notes in order to attract more investors. It also eliminates or minimizes the equity tranche, therefore, transferring the risk from the bank to a third party.The structure starts with the originating bank (RBS) owning a portfolio of loans worth $852. 5 million of low-rated loans from BB- to B+. Because RBS wants to improve its capital requirement ratios it will remove them from its balance sheet. The bank creates the first SPV, SEQUILS that is consisted of a traditional CDO structure. SEQUILS would issue low rated BB- to B+ notes to sell to investors. To achieve an investment-grade rating, SEQUILS insures its notes by a credit default swap provided by Morgan Guarantee Trust.SEQUILS would pay Morgan Guarantee a percentage of the $852. 5 million as a periodic fee using the spread. Being backed up by a highly rated entity boosts the ratings of the tranches issued by SEQUILS to AAA, AA and BBB loans. This repackaging of loans attracts more investors and minimizes the risk on RBS. The second step is to create a separate SPV, MINCS that uses a synthetic CDO structure. Morgan Guarantee Trust buys credit swaps from MINCS –the second SPV. MINCS would issue notes worth $144 million based on the original 852. 5 million-loan amounts.MINCS would provide Morgan Guarantee Trust insurance through a credit default swap 6 times its capital of $144 million (6 x 144m = 864). Therefore, investors in MINCS would be receiving higher yields, 6 times the credit swap, on the $144 million, yet they are exposed to the full risk. To boost the ratings MINCS would invest the proceeds of the $144 million into a AAA security. 5) Imagine to be a portfolio manager of a large pension fund, would you buy Mincs securi ties (the BBB ones)? What are the risks from the perspective of the investor?What are the risks from the perspective of RBS? A portfolio manager of a pension fund should invest in financial instruments with low risk since a pension fund is a scheme which provides retirement income. Buying MINCS notes means receiving higher yield but also being exposed to the full risk. In reality Morgan Guarantee Trust did not fully insure SEQUILS in case of the default of investors. It only insured 16% to 17% of this SPV (144/852. 5). If it has fully insured SEQUILS, then all the tranches created by SEQUILS could have a triple-A rating.MINCS only issued notes that are worth $144 million, which is almost 16% on the original loan portfolio. However, regardless of whether SEQUILS was partly or fully insured by Morgan Guarantee Trust, this structure keeps transferring the risk from one party to another. From RBS’s perspective, it is a good deal because the bank is not exposed to the risk anymore , the equity tranche was minimized or even eliminated and the bank obtained a better rating for its portfolio of loans.In practice, pension fund managers trusted the ratings that MINCS notes received by the rating agencies and were not fully aware the risk they were holding by buying those notes. This kind of complex structure helped to transfer the credit risk from company to another. Additionally, it was another important risk factor that was not almost taken into consideration by investors. Loans had a high default correlation with themselves. When one mortgage defaulted, many would, which would trigger many credit defaults at the same time.

Bias in Abstinence-Only Education Essay

In addition to being an ineffective deterrent to unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases, abstinence only education prevents young women from making well informed decisions about their sexuality.   Cases of teen pregnancy and STD/HIV infections is on the rise despite the government allocating funds for abstinence only programs.   This paper seeks to look at the government policies with regard to abstinence-only education programs and its relationship with unwanted pregnancies. It is a known fact that sexual abstinence is being practiced in all countries in the world as a sure way of preventing sexually transmitted diseases and pregnancy.   Men and women of all ages who are not ready to accept the risks that accompany sexual activity embrace abstinence which is a normal and acceptable practice.   As a way of expressing love, affection and tenderness, majority resort to intercourse and sexual activity. Sex is also being used by couples to strengthen their relationships.   However, it has often been argued that using sex to cement relationships can distort one’s judgment.   Among women, having sex may strengthen the feeling of love but do not actually cement or deepen the relationship. Exploring sexual behavior within an environment of deep commitment where having children is considered as a possibility is always rewarding.   Majority of people are however not prepared for commitment hence opt for abstinence until they develop a stable relationship. Abstinence is 100% effective in protecting an individual from sexually transmitted.   However, if the majority of the population could realize its effectiveness, then we would not be having such headlines like the ones we have seen in the past of teen births being on the rise.   However, abstinence is not an easy practice considering how strong sexual drives are among humans. The rate of teen births steadily declined since 1991 and this could have been because of the intensive educational campaigns that were initiated during that period.   These campaigns included encouraging people to use contraceptives and condoms and enlightening people on the risks of Aids and sexually transmitted diseases.   However, today statistics now show an increase by 3% in teen births the first time ever in 14 years. (Wilson, Kelly, Patricia,2005) Is it that the sex education programs that the government adopted are no longer working? The government has tried to show some effort in curbing STDs and unwanted pregnancies. The first federal abstinence-only program was enacted in 1981 and this was designed primarily to support pregnant and parenting teenagers.   This came through the adolescent Family Life Act which was also passed the same year. AFLA also funded â€Å"abstinence-only† programs meant to encourage responsibility and self discipline among teenagers (Abstinence Only Programs 2008, p.2). Abstinence-only program’s purpose was to teach the general population and especially the teenagers how they stand to gain from abstinence. It also sought to teach abstinence from pre-marital to all schooling children.   The abstinence-only program was supposed to teach the values of abstinence with regard to unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases.   According to this program, the expected standard of human sexual activity revolved around a mutually faithful monogamous relationship.   However, with all these well clarified goals, current scientific research shows that this program is ineffective. A study of ‘abstinence-only-until marriages’ program inferred that the classes fail to serve its goal of delaying the onset of sexual activity the young people.   An evaluation of 11 of these programs showed that they do not have a lasting positive effect on the asexual behavior of young people (Ibid 4).   Instead of a positive effect on the young people they showed a negative willingness to use contraceptive because the program emphasized on contraceptive failure. It has often been reiterated that abstinence-only programs endanger the youths because adolescents are denied complete information.   These programs fail to provide contraception information and in some cases, they have been accused of providing wrong information which may lead to youths forgoing contraceptive use. Teens are exposed to pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases because of lack of responsible sex education.   Only safer sex intervention can reduce unprotected sexual intercourse as compared to abstinence only programs.   The Federal Fund for abstinence -only programs have negatively influenced schools.   Avery good example involves the Gloucester High school in Massachusetts with the summer vacations beginning 17 girls at the school are expecting babies (Kathleen Kingsbury, Wednesday June 18, 2008). This proves further the failure of the program to curb pre-marital pregnancies.   In order to reduce the prevalence of this at the school a local pediatrician advocated for the prescription of contraceptives.   However, this has been met with hostility.   Amazingly it is the desire of these teens to get pregnant and this only proves how distorted their perception towards life is.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Norways Economy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Norways Economy - Research Paper Example Answer # 1. Norway has the highest VAT and Cooperate tax rate in the Europe. The reason behind such high taxes is its social welfare programs. The standard rate of VAT in Norway is 25% and it is charged on every VAT goods and services. The corporate tax is about 28% in Norway. Despite that it has decreased in last several years but still it is the country with having the heavy taxes in whole Europe. The proper utilization of resources and amount receive from taxes are the key factors boosting Norway’s economy (Scottish Enterprise). Answer # 2. Norway has only one stock exchange at Oslo. The statistics as per May01, 1997 shows that the total number of firms affiliated with Oslo Stock Exchange was 179. We get to know while having a deeper look in this figure that 166 of the total listed companies were Norwegian, 13 of them were foreign where as 3 companies were listed in small and medium size business in which the 96.9% of market capitalization is of the domestic market. (Chapter 7—Banking and finance) Answer # 3.The estimated unemployment rate till 2006 was 3.5% and the inflation rate till the same year was 2.3%. Answer # 4. According to the survey done in July 2007 the total estimated population of Norway are 4,627,926. The age structure in Norway population is categorized in three parts. The first of the total population is the people till the age 14 year. Second part is comprised of people between 15 to 64 and last part is of people with the age of 65 and above. A big majority of people is in the age structure of 15 to 64 is around 66.1% then the age till 0 to 14 years take around 19% and age group of 65 and above is around 14.8%. The median age of the people is around 38.7 years in Norway. The median age of men is 37.9 years and women are 39.6 years. (The World Factbook- Norway 2007) Answer # 5.According to Norway law it requires general disclosure under the securities trading act as well some other requirement of industries. The law of legal entitles ship of holding not more than 10% has been amended in 2003. The acquisition of more than 10% can be taken place with prior government permission. A license will be issued if the permission is granted. (Norway: Securities) Answer # 6.The television advertisement that is focusing on children and adolescents for marketing purpose is banned in Norway. The young people are the biggest market for them and play a vital as consumers. The advertisements that make feel children about the identity and self esteem affects them badly. The minors takes the effects of several things faster especially if some actions are shown it them. The government has put restriction on television advertisements during children's program to prevent them from bad affects. The minors take the affect of things bit faster. The government banned the advertisements in 2002 after the proposal report submitted by committee. In the result companies banned from advertising their products on the children programs in television and radio both. (Ban on Advertising to Children - Norway) Answer # 7.There are many companies actively investigating the market. One of which is TNS Gall up. It provides the research services in various sectors i.e. Bank & Finance, Post, Tourism, Automotive, Telecom, Internet, Media, FMCG, and Public Services. (TNS Gallup).Hugin Online also provides the services for financial information. It provides annual reports, press releases and financial statements of the listed with OSE. (Norwegian Stock Market) Answer # 8.Norway has the great employment rate of 70%. Its 71.9% of the total population is its workforce and 7.3% are absent due to sickness. The Norway enjoys the sufficient number of women employment that constitutes such employment rate. Approximately in every 10 women seven are employed while in men it's every 7 out of 8. There were few percentage of women were employed in 1970. The sound economic policies create a number of job opportunities for both men and women. There are also a number of men and women work part time.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Compare and contrast the European and North American freight Case Study

Compare and contrast the European and North American freight transportation systems, globalized trade, and global policy implications - Case Study Example America and most countries in Europe boast of different kinds of freight systems, which have been instrumental in the growth of their economies. This paper makes a comparison of the global freight systems that have been established in the United States and most countries in Europe. Today’ globalization has brought about very many changes with respect to long-distance transport, as well as communication costs between and among countries of the world. In the past, it was agreed that trade costs did not hold any major impact as far as the structure and quantity of global trade were concerned. However, at present, these costs are now being considered and acknowledge ad being of great importance. Currently, the distribution systems in the global freight can be said to have been brought about by the convergence that has been necessitated by technology, modes and terminals, as well as infrastructure (Debrie & Gouvernal 2006). One of the things that have stood out significantly behind the process of standardization of these global freight systems has been containerization. This development has resulted in the emergence of strategies in supply chain management like maritime shipping. Europe and North America are among the major markets of the world; these two regions have huge notable commonalities in terms of strong and stable import functions (Rodrigue, Comtois & Slack 2009). The global functions in this perspective are made up of inbound logistics; in addition, there are many highly developed shipment distribution systems that link these two regions, necessitating their comprehensive trade flows. Different researches that have been carried out on this issue have indicated that these two regions are still walking similar paths when it comes configuration of their logistics networks and transport infrastructure. The operational decisions, as well as the establishments of regulatory frameworks are guiding and necessitating these

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The Economic Advantages and Disadvantages of the UK Remaining in the Assignment

The Economic Advantages and Disadvantages of the UK Remaining in the EU - Assignment Example The UK has an important role in enhancing the EU's strength through its vast economic power that it has earned through its wide range of industrial-commercial and socio-cultural environmental factors (Jones, 2007). Its EU membership has, however, been cited to be one-sided, and thus has been termed detrimental to the region’s economy. The EU's total contribution to the improvement of Britains economy compared to the UK economy contribution is less significant. As a result, a referendum on opting out of our remaining in the EU for British citizens has been proposed as required by the EU (De Waele, 2005). Britain’s continued membership of the EU is very beneficial in terms of trade as it provides the UK with one of the largest single markets for its products. However, the costs seem to surpass the benefits. For instance, since 1979, Britain has paid about â‚ ¬260 billion to the EU and only received â‚ ¬97 back in benefits (De Waele, 2005). The essay examines why it is more beneficial for the UK to opt out of the EU than it is detrimental to the region’s economy. The exit of the UK from the EU zone is more beneficial to the region’s economic growth and development than it is detrimental to the economy. The UK spends ridiculously large amounts of money in the EU in terms of membership fees and other â€Å"hidden tariff† costs paid by the UK taxpayers due to red tape, waste, fraud and other factors. For instance, in 2014/15, a net payment of  £8.6 billion out of a total  £731 billion in public spending was paid into the EU budget by the UK (â€Å"UK Budget†, 2015). The amount of the money is far much less than the contribution the UK makes towards the development of roads and railways, which is  £5.2 billion and  £3 billion respectively. It also surpasses the jobseekers’ allowances that amounts to  £4.9 billion (â€Å"UK Budget†, 2015).

Friday, July 26, 2019

Organizational Analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Organizational Analysis - Research Paper Example Unilever produces around 400 brands for the customers around the world with their main focus being directed towards the healthy lifestyle of their customers. There are around more than 171,000 employees working in Unilever. Out of their product range, 12 brands of Unilever have a sales figure of more than â‚ ¬1 billion. Unilever claims to impact the lives of the people with the usage of their products (Unilever Facts, 2013). The product range of Unilever ranges from nutritional foods to various flavored ice-creams. It has a product line of various types of household products such as soaps and shampoos. Some of the top leading brands of Unilever around the world are Dove product range, Lipton, Suave, Blue Band and other such type of products. Unilever aims towards promoting their missions which are strong and which possess a standing on long term grounds. It works upon developing a strong and loyal customer base and accordingly works upon their advertisements so that their customer s can associate the brands with their daily household care (Introduction to Unilever, 2013). An example of their ads is the lifebuoy ad soap which displays hygiene through the use of lifebuoy soap. Unilever spends a huge budget on their research and development department and they create their labs around the globe in which their scientists are working on new and innovative products that can be created for the consumers worldwide. The experts are constantly in the working and research phase of testing out new possibilities and this is one of the major strengths of the organization (Introduction to Unilever, 2013). Through research and development, Unilever gets a good chance or remaining a competitive organization. Research allows the invention of new products in association with their current products. Unilever also conducts a proper consumer research so that their new research and development can be tested in the market about whether it is acceptable to the consumers or not. Unile ver claims that they understand the needs and requirements of the customers and accordingly research and come up with better products (Introduction to Unilever, 2013). Unilever aims by its advertisements that they have strong associations with their consumers in the consumer’s everyday life. Research the organization’s mission statement. Discuss the role HR will play (or does play) in fostering the organization’s mission statement. The mission statement of Unilever is that it works towards making the future better for the individuals. Unilever values its customers and hence work towards producing products that are beneficial to the customer in their everyday life so that customers look and feel good about them. Unilever also adds on to their mission statement that they act as an inspiration for the customers in taking small actions in their daily lives to make a difference in the world around (Annual Report & Accounts 2011, 2013). Unilever also implements strate gies towards promoting sustainable growth and they have crafted their business model according to this scenario. They work upon producing products that allow the consumers ease and convenience in their household care. Unilever has a large interest and focus towards a sustainable growth of the business and it plans all its business strategies accordingly (Annual Report & Accounts 2011, 2013). The Human Resource Management plays an important role in fostering the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

South China Sea and the possible construct of a multi-national joint Research Paper

South China Sea and the possible construct of a multi-national joint force command - Research Paper Example The study was undertaken through a qualitative analysis approach. The analysis was aimed at answering the question will multi-national joint force enable global unity? If so, what ways can we use to undertake the process. Information from previous sources concerning the same issue was used to come up with constructive details to answer this question. The independent variables identified were the multi-national force whereas global development depended on the national relationships between different countries in order for peace and harmony to prevail. Scholarly articles by distinguished researchers on the area were thoroughly relied on to bring out a clear picture. The study will aim at identifying the relationship between the multi-national joint force and its impact on the future stability on the world’s economy and security. The results that will be obtained will be useful in making amendments to daily decision in regard to the future prediction. Another objective of the study will be recognizing the factors in organizing the multi-national joint force to ensure that the interests of the affected countries are considered. The results that will be obtained will be used to ensure that necessary amendments are put into place for the equity of all parties involved. The hypothesis developed suggests that there exists a significant relationship between multi-national partnership between different countries and the stability of the future world’s economy and security. Due to the increasing and high probability that tension will continue in the South China Sea region, there is need to determine the impact of constructing a multinational national joint force structure on the world’s future stability. United States’ engagement in military, economic and social involvement with the pacific region has a positive impact. Various researches have been conducted to identify the

Race, Gender & Ethnicity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Race, Gender & Ethnicity - Essay Example This information can be useful to several interest groups and it is easily understandable even for laymen. In total there have been â€Å"1226† executions in the last 35 years, which make the yearly average to 35 (Facts about the Death Penalty, 2010). The data indicates that in the 70s and 80s death sentences were very few. It has registered an increase from mid 90s and the bar chart allows an easy and clear interpretation of the data. After showing a decreasing trend for several years, it increased from 37 in 2008 to 52 in 2009 and fell to 38 in 2010. Thus, it will suggest that death punishment does not act as an effective deterrent. The site presents the data in an easily discernible manner so that users can easily understand it. The article offers data on the executed persons’ race that of the victims in the cases of death penalty. â€Å"687† or â€Å"56%† are Whites, Blacks constitute â€Å"424† or â€Å"35%† while â€Å"91† or â€Å"7%† are Hispanics and â€Å"24† or â€Å"2%† are from other categories (Facts about the Death Penalty, 2010). Whites constitute of the victims with â€Å"76%† and Blacks are second with â€Å"15%† while Hispanics and others comprise â€Å"6%† and â€Å"3%† respectively (Facts about the Death Penalty, 2010). These details provide the users with a clear idea of the racial orientation of the death penalties. The article further mentions about the discrimination in 96% states, based on the â€Å"pattern of either race-of-victim or race-of-defendant† and finds, based on research evidence that â€Å"98% of chief district attorneys† are Whites (Facts about the Death Penalty, 2010). This information, again, enables the users to understand the influence that race can exercise in the death penalty cases. The article also finds that since the year 1973, â€Å"130 people,† whose innocence has been proved, â€Å"have

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Strategic management as science Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Strategic management as science - Case Study Example The report highlights differentiation strategies through marketing, the role of internal business culture, and a variety of methodologies which contribute to successful business strategy. The evidence would seem to suggest that strategic management is more of a science than an art. Michael Porter, a renowned strategic business expert, discusses his Five Forces model which recognises a variety of external forces which can significantly impact business direction. From a competitive viewpoint, this model suggests that the threat of substitute products can impact sales and growth success (, 2008). Substitute products represent similar product offerings in similar marketplaces which can detract from sales success simply due to these products creating excess competition in a firm's market environment. Bean and Radford (2000) identify that product innovation, creating unique product offerings, is one method to overcome competition and will create a sense of differentiation in different consumer buyers. Innovation might be categorised as an art form, as this is often based on internal staff ingenuity, however innovation would seem to be more scientifically-founded as before an innovative product can be launched, examination of competing products and their function must occur. This requires analysis of the external competitive environment which is grounded more in scientific research on behalf of a company. With the high level of competition in a wide variety of different product markets causing problems with being able to compete successfully, innovation as a strategic tool would seem to point toward business success. Porter's model also identifies threats to businesses in terms of supplier power, such as the level of control which suppliers have over raw material delivery or the development of a low-cost distribution infrastructure. Cohen and Roussel (2005) offer that a successful strategic business practice involves designing a supply-chain metric which measures the impact of supplier power on the ability to launch new and innovative products. The first proposed task is to set up a supply chain strategy objective which examines costs and the feasibility of distribution in a method which is both efficient and satisfies budget restrictions. This again would point toward supply chain considerations as being more of a business science, as it involves face-to-face negotiations with different suppliers and a strategic analysis of the strengths and weaknesses along the existing supply chain network. The role of strategic management in regards to suppliers is to identify whether deficiencies exist in t he supply chain and work consistently to improve efficiency and budget. In terms of supply, luck and opportunism would seem to be aspects of business strategy which are not relevant to creating a workable supply network. From a marketing viewpoint, Porter's Five Forces model also recognises the threats stemming from different consumers in terms of their price flexibility (the

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Business Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 24

Business Law - Essay Example If there are intensions to incorporate the business then one has to confirm with the state filing office whether the name has already been claimed or it’s in use. The companies can share a name if the other businesses offer different services and goods and also located in different regions (Minniti, 2008). The name of the business should be rich in words which reflect the business functions. In the social media the name of the business should be claimed early enough in the naming process. Registering the business name should involve the process which is known as DBA trade name or name. This process does not provide the protection of the company’s trademark but it allows the government to record that the business is done as a name other than a personal name (Minniti, 2008). As the company’s owners we should apply for trademark protection since the name is the most valuable asset in any business. The company should comply with the food laws regarding the manufacturing of ice cream in the U.S. The company is based on the FDA food code 2009: chapter 3 which states that all food should be unadulterated, safe and honestly presented (Curtis, 2013). The American law also states that milk products such as ice cream should comply with Grade A Standards, the law specifies that frozen milk products like ice cream should be obtained pasteurized and this is specified in 21 CFR 135- frozen desserts. The law as well states that the food packages should be in excellent condition in order to preserve the integrity of the product and ensure that the contents are not exposed potential contaminants and adulteration. The company will also comply with the consumer protection and food allergen labelling act of 2004 which stresses all the ingredients of the products to be stated clearly in normal names that are well known to customer to

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Use Of Information Technology In Finance Essay Example for Free

The Use Of Information Technology In Finance Essay The world is continuously under the process of change, ever since its inception. This change has resulted into a number of advancements. Science and Technology has been at forefront in bringing these changes with the aim to ease the life of the people. Â  Despite, this being a regular process, the acceleration of the change brought by information technology in the last century is second to none. In the recent history, no other field of science has affected so many diverse walks of life, as the information technology did. Now, information technology is considered as the lifeblood for any organization, offering any sort of product or service. Information Technology requirement is now considered the part of infrastructure for any sort of business activity. Today, when we recall the spread of computer and information technology few decades down the memory lane, we find the quote of the IBM’s president in 1940’s who said, I think there is a world market for about five computers. Â  However, if we see the penetration of information technology in any walk of life, we find our lives miserable without it, no matter to what field of study do we belong. I have a finance major and the field of finance and its associated fields are no exception and these fields have potential to make the most of information technology resources available worldwide at this point of time. Â  Thus, this article is intended to explore the possible applications of information technology in the field of finance. To carry out this assignment, four modes of information were explored. These were web search, blogs, job search and articles. The web search was done through Google and Alta Vista. Few of the keywords used are as follows: IT and Finance Use of IT in Finance Application of IT in the field of finance Studying Finance using IT Financial Softwares Features of Financial Softwares How IT supports financial decisions Financial ERPs etc In caser of Blogs, a number of blogs were explored. Two of them are: Following Job Sites were explored. The job requirements for the accounts manager, director finance, financial consultants, and business analysts were explored. The sites that were explored are,, etc. The key words used were ‘financial solutions’, ‘finance and technology’ etc. When we look at finance, five discreet fields come to our mind. These are corporate finance, trade finance, personal finance, public finance. Looking from broader perspective, the student of Finance also studies its associated fields like banking, investment, derivatives, risk management, stock trading, financial statement analysis etc. Each of these subfields also has application of information technology. Â  However, before going into details, first of all, let’s look at the application of information technology in the field of finance, generally. In the field of finance, one of the most sophisticated and crucial, yet important task is to develop financial models to analyze the feasibility of various alternatives from the financial perspective. Previously, these models were used to be developed manually. However, now with the help f sophisticated applications and enterprise resource planning (ERP) softwares like Oracle Financials and the financial modules of SAP provide the capability to develop one’s own financial model within no time. No doubt, still the logic needs to be created by the professional of finance, but now he does not need to worry about minor calculation mistakes, leading to highly misleading results, all he has to worry about is the logic behind the model, the accuracy and speed that the information technology provides in the development financial model increases the efficiency of that financial professional. This was just one application; there is a whole arena of services that information technology has to offer to the students and professionals of the field of finance. Even the spreadsheets like Excel can provide the capability of financial functions like scenario planning, what-if analysis and so on. At the professional level, the use of databases, data warehouse and business intelligence helps in trend analysis through application of very advanced algorithms in very large amount of data which is next to impossible manually and totally impossible to be done manually, if required to be done in the same amount of time that is required by a computer for the same task. However, again, computer is the machine the reliability of the results depends on the logic provided by the operator. But now, advanced computer applications such as artificial intelligence, neural networks etc. have also a limited capability of learning from past and deducing logic. If these systems become reliable and full tested in future, these applications can revolutionize the world of finance as well. Now let’s have a brief look at the application of information technology in various branches of finance. In corporate finance, two most important goals are to increase the corporate value and reduce the financial risk. Risk analysis and management requires the trend analysis of past data. As already mentioned, through the use of data warehouse and business intelligence tools, this task can be done very efficiently. A data warehouse contains the archived data where as business intelligence tools help to extract meaningful information out of it. Likewise, data mining tools can be used to identify the trends in the past data. In public finance, the scope is large, resources are very limited and alternatives are very diverse. Thus, it requires using techniques like what-if analysis, goal seeking etc. A range of tools are available to carryout these tasks, ranging from Microsoft excel to custom developed ERPs. In personal finance too, the use of automated tools save time. Likewise, the trade financing needs careful forecasting, a number of tools are available for that too, again ranging from excel to neural networks. Thus, in today’s job market, the more sophisticated the financial task is, the more technical skills are required by the company. To sum up, the field of finance can leverage upon the opportunities of ease, accuracy and speed provided by information technology in order to increase the efficiency, effectiveness and reliability of financial decision, as these decisions have significant impact on the financial health of the organization in professional life. Â  In this connection, I belief that the student of finance must be well aware and well acquainted with the opportunities that information technology provides to the field of finance. Bibliography Chorafas, D. (2007). Risk Management Technology in Financial Services (Elsevier Finance). St. Louis: Butterworth-Heinemann. Financial-i Awards Kyriba the 2007 Prize for Most Innovative Cash Forecasting Solution. (2008, Feb. 26). Business Wire, 23. Lee, J., Trippi, R. (2000). Artificial Intelligence in Finance Investing: State-Of-The-Art Technologies for Securities Selection and Portfolio Management. Milwaukee: Irwin Professional Publishing. (2008). Handbook on Information Technology in Finance (International Handbooks on Information Systems). New York: Springer.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Importance Of Social Spaces In Urban Spaces

Importance Of Social Spaces In Urban Spaces Since the early days people have lived in groups and survived through good and bad days. The communities form by humans has led to the development and enrichment of this world both technologically and habitually. It is the very human need the human interaction; this was the one most basic principal in development of architecture but the new age because of privacy needs and technology (internet) has grown people apart from each other rather than bring them together. The growing capitalist economy demands more of living space than of social space. This has led to poor quality of life standards and increase in crime and decrease in healthy life style. These days many professionals like architects, city planners and sociologist are researching how people live in more densely populated areas. How this has affected the social life of the residents and led the shrinking of social spaces. This paper will discuss the merits and demerits of the contemporary urban development, various effect of social space on communities. How this has led to increase in crime rates and decrease in productivity health and how this situation can be resolved. Key words :Social space , Public space, urban space, urban planning Outline: Introduction: sociology of human communities and their habitat Cause and effects of contemporary urban development The possible solutions and hypothesis of solutionsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. Introduction Growth is inevitable and desirable, but destruction of community character is not. The question is not whether your part of the world is going to change. The question is how. (Edward T. McMahon) Change Life! Change Society! These precepts mean nothing without the production of an appropriate space (Henri Lefebvre) By 2080 it is predicted that 80% of the human population will move to the cities and urban areas with highest concentrations in Asia and Africa. More people habitat now in urban spaces than in rural spaces ever before. This shows that the level of growth never has been this great and it is still growing. The comparative recent rise and progress of metropolises internationally has caused an increase of the significance of city planning. Urban developments are vibrant and diverse all over the globe. This necessitates an in-depth exploration and approaches to director expansions in the correct direction. New approaches and techniques to secure the extended sustainability of regions are being developed nowadays. Along with these swift expansions come numerous urban complications, like isolation, transportation congestion, contamination and deprivation of the atmosphere. In the international discussion about urban planning, approaches to develop metropolises in the future are expected to alterations. This is because a relatively new term has appeared among designers and planners: sustainable development. Various kinds of professions and practices go into generating public spaces that bring wellbeing and fortune to metropolises and societies. The skill of planning and designing for eminence and vitality in communal places rests in the equilibrium of societies, residence, essence and tradition. Public spaces must be more than safe and manageable; moreover they need to have sense and importance for people, to be used more fully and with better gratitude. Space, however is limited in this metropolitan where the topographical landscape limit possibilities to a definite range. Nevertheless, urban planners and designers have to find the best setting and try to discover a sustainable and long term solutions or ways which is best for the town and its present and prospect inhabitants. In some circumstances they come up with astonishing results and in some not that great. Urban renewal has been associated with urban expansion since the initial social settlement, and was given emphasis after the World War 2. Numerous periods knowledge and billions of moneys forced the judgment givers to comprehend the significance of urban appearance, value of life, and urban setting, which were accepted as fundamentals and facilitators for the economic advancement of metropolises, urban revival projects are created as symbol of the metropolitan and to offer space for occupants, and have been shown to be operational for cities rejuvenation by many countries. This paper examines this merits and demerits of urban development in general. With the growth and development of cities and metropolises around the world, urban planners and architects always keen on areas for impending advancements. Whether regeneration of old fragments of the city or emerging new areas out skirts of the current city limits, prospects are always open.. The study and material is largely based on literature. This paper adopts an extensive understanding of urban planning as the development of making better spaces for societies than would otherwise be created. How can urban planning contribute to the formation of miscellaneous public spaces that increase or improve value and quality to urban socio- economic life? What does a definition of diverse public spaces include? In what ways can public spaces enhance value and quality in urban life? How can urban planning make a positive contribution to creating public spaces? Does urban planning have a negative effect in some cases? Public /Social Spaces The measure of any great civilization is its cities and a measure of a citys greatness is to be found in the quality of its public spaces, its parks and squares. (John Ruskin) Public space is the juncture upon which the expression of public life develops. The paths, squares and gardens of a metropolitan give a form to the sanctuary and movement of social exchange. These vibrant spaces are a vital counterpart to the other established spaces and levies of work and family life, providing the networks for movement, nodes for communication and common grounds for play and relaxation (Carr, Francis, Rivlin, and Stone, 1992). There are number of definition on urban public place or space and its correlation (Wang, 2002). The description of public space and open space in the perspective of urban area provided by different institutes, is as the space which occurs among structures in urban space, which can be accessible freely by communal societies the space should be the room for urban inhabitants to meet and dialogue with other individuals, and for residence to stay in more natural atmosphere. It is also the representation of urban appearance the landscape, thus bei ng called as the breathing room or as the open window of the city. It is multifunctional place in urban space, which could be middle of governmental, monetary, or traditional events. Communal urban space is lively and all full of energy, which is vital for the ecological expansion of the city. Public spaces are shaped by at least two diverse processes; some have evolved naturally through assumption, by frequent use in a specific way, or by the concentration of societies because of an allure or an attraction say may be like a cafà © or very old tree where people wish for something etc. Both of these results in a space that accommodates societies for explicit reasons and it becomes a location that people depend on on as a place to encounter other people. These events might happen on a street junction, on some stairs in front of a structure, or on an undeveloped proportion in a area (Carr et al., 1992). Great communal places are the living area of the metropolitan the place where ind ividuals come together to appreciate the urban area and other individuals. Public spaces add value and increase the quality of life. Public spaces vary from plazas to squares, to small and big, local neighborhood parks or pounds. The combination of exquisite architecture with unique public spaces creates the most gorgeous places to live in places where one can express the joy and relish the nature and manmade structures Another way that public space gets created is by planning, which have diverse roots, though the purpose they serve may be parallel to unplanned or developing spaces. Planned spaces commonly transpire from the offices of urban planners, designers and landscape architects, who may be appointed by community or by private clienteles. Such public or open spaces may be the outcome of the arranging of an urban space the thoughtful or unplanned consequences of building accommodation, workplaces or communal structures. A district or neighborhood may be structured around a square, or the space around a monumental erection /structure may be intended as a public place with other edifices arranged around, or a space may be the surplus outcome of obstruction in a zoning regulation (Carr et al., 1993). The significance of social space has been recognized worldwide, primarily from the perception in refining quality of life through contented atmosphere and plentiful public life; improving urban appearance through urban vagueness; and compelling commercial development through investment which is appealed by the good appearance. The prominence of public space in building a pleasant atmosphere for human beings for work, resides, and relaxes. According to the Athens Charter in 1943 citys most noticeable public spaces are often illustrative of the metropolitan itself and imitate how its inhabitants relate to the town and to each other. Darin-Drabkin (1977) claimed that a decent living setting needs public spaces. Prominent designers and city planners have often reasoned that the quality of a metropoliss social spaces has much to do with how a district /town/ city prospers or fails as a place to habitat or do trade (Bacon, 1976). A numerous researchers and urban planners indicate that publ ic spaces can serve people to be content, to state and defend human rights and morals, and to express distinctive cultural values. Societies can learn new things and learn from others through public life (Carr and Lynch, 1968; Ward, 1978). No matter what technical innovations are taking place, human beings have not changed (Gehl 1980).They still need the casual contact with other human beings that used to be built into daily life. Public spaces can afford opportunities for such casual encounters in the course of daily life that can bind people together and give their lives meaning and power. Public spaces not only can serve daily needs but also can be places to gather for special occasions. City/Urban Planning Towns and cities are not God-given or à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¾naturalà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¸. They are the result of centuries of decision-making by individual owners and developers, and of government intervention. Whilst topography and geography do play a part, they do not absolutely determine development. The nature of towns and cities, to a considerable extent, is dependent on who shouts the loudest, and who has the greatest influence over policy. Clara Greed, 1996

Is Rawlss Critique Of Utilitarianism Fair Philosophy Essay

Is Rawlss Critique Of Utilitarianism Fair Philosophy Essay The question we are going to deal with immediately draw my attention; as Rawls work on justice not only turns out to be theoretically relevant, but even particular considering the time it was published, it results being determinant from a historic point of view. Indeed A theory of justice was written in 1971, in these years as we know cold war reached its climax and contrast between the Soviet Union and the United States was severe. These conflicts implied not only a political (and fortunately not military) conflict, but at its deepest layer a difference in ideology, beliefs, thought. As well known the soviet model had its roots in Karl Marxs (1818-1883) communist philosophy while the western countries found their attachment mostly in utilitarianism. These philosophies oppose in its assumptions and appear not to be compatible witch each other. What Rawls proposes us is an innovating solution to conjugate social justice and utilitarianism in an innovating if not revolutionary theory of justice. He is considered to be the father of the third way among a centralized economy and laissez-faire. As previously anticipated the theory of justice also has a fundamental theoretical value as it marks the turning point in some very important and discussed conceptual differences which became part of nowadays political agenda. Rawls famous theory of justice criticized utilitarianism at its roots. After a brief introduction about the topic of discussion, my attention is going to focus on the basic ideas of utilitarianism as it is the philosophical theory which opposes most to Rawls theory of justice. We will then analyze Rawls attack to utilitarian philosophy as explained in his book: A theory of justice. Furthermore we will place our attention on the reasons why Rawlss judges utilitarianism wrong, and on other arguments against it. John Rawlss thought John Rawls is widely considered one of the most innovative and influential thinker of the twentieth century. Put in Amartya Sens words:By far the most influential and I believe the most important theory of justice to be presented in this century has been John Rawls Justice as fairness (Sen, 1992:p. 75) He was born in 1921 in the city of Baltimore, made his studies in Princeton and Oxford, before becoming a professor in one of the most known universities of the United States: Harvard. He is mostly known through his famous book A theory of justice (1971). The philosopher claims that justice is the first requisite of social institutions, just in the same way as the pursuit of truth is the final aim of any philosophy. His basic claim is that as a theory a needs to be discarded or at least changed in its missing parts if it is not true, in the same way institutions or laws have to be abolished or reformed if they are not fair. He goes on saying that even if society as a whole might profit from certain institution, they cannot be accepted and left in place if even only one person gets an unfair treatment as a consequence of their operation. Each person possesses an inviolability founded on justice that even the welfare of society as a whole cannot override. For this reason justice denies that the loss of freedom for some is made right by a greater good shared by others. It does not allow that the sacrifices imposed on a few are outweighed by the larger sum of advantages enjoyed by many.( Rawls, John A Theory of Justice  (Belknap Press of Harvard University Press), 1971, p 3.) As he defined his idea about justice, he wanted to give a rational foundation to it. He wanted to ensure that his justice assumptions were rational and shared by all members of society. Given the fact that individuals are different and have different aims in life it is necessary to find some principle which could be agreed on by all members. The way by which people could find a general agreement is very well known in philosophy and social sciences as public law. What is being referred to is the idea of original position and veil of ignorance. Part of its great success is due to the fascinating representation given by the author. He imagines a so called original position in which the single individuals decide the rules which will govern society. What is crucial is the fact that they do this choice in absolute ignorance concerning some relevant information of their future lives in society. The agreement is so being made in a condition of a veil of ignorance. This avoids the fact that some which might be born in a very rich family would obviously be against high income taxes to transfer some wealth to the worse off. The poor one on the other hand would definitely welcome such taxes as they could profit from them. The people making the choice are thus presented as rational and not interested in others. No one could get an advantage from the choice of certain principles which would advantage a certain category, as they would not know which role they are going to have in society. To sum up we can say that the veil of ignorance has to exclude people from the knowledge of facts which would bring them to have conflicts. Al the parties are equal in this position, indeed everyone would have the same rights in proposing rules and accepting them. The outcome of this decision leads to a fair agreement because it is conducted in fair conditions. This is the reason why this theory is known as justice as fairness. He states that the philosopher which contributed most to the development of his theory has been Immanuel Kant (1724-1804), since Kants ethic is based on the personal choice of free, rational and equal individuals. Therefore he arrives to claim that the principles of justice are to be seen as categorical imperatives in the Kantian way. Indeed by categorical imperative Kant means these moral principles which are to be rationally respected and accepted from a free and rational individual. Opposed to these we find hypothetical imperatives which are the ones which aim at certain specific goals. Concerning the principles which have to be expected from the decision take under the veil of ignorance, we should not consider them as defined principles for actions but as general guide lines for practical political decisions. It is to be noticed that some critics might emerge at this point, authors like Sen criticized the fact that exactly these principles would emerge from the contracting under the veil of ignorance: The outcome might be a different one. The first principle states the following: Each person is to have an equal right to the most extensive basic liberty compatible with a similar liberty for others. (Rawls, 1971) What is exactly meant as basic liberties has to be defined more precisely, indeed they are: a) The active and passive right to vote; the first refers to the possibility to choose a political actor according to our preferences (what is commonly understood as right to vote). The second one (passive right to vote) refers to the fact that we have the possibility to candidate for elections and possibility be elected. b) Liberty of conscience, which is basically the faculty to choose or decide by your own, your future life, your way of being and your own destiny. c) Freedom of speech and assembly, so the possibility to express your own ideas and make them public even if they do not fit and are not coherent with the current political situation and its majoritys ideas. The freedom of assembly indeed refers to the possibility to arrange political assemblies to discuss political and practical issues. d) Freedom to personal propriety, which is to be understood as the possibility to have the personal private propriety on your goods (although he states that the private propriety of means of production is not necessarily to be seen as a primary good). e) Freedom from arbitrary arrest, which means the fact that the public power has not the freedom to arbitrary (so without a reason), arrest individuals because they might oppose or disagree with the public power itself. The second principle: Social and economic inequalities are to be arranged so that (a) They are to be of the greatest benefit of the least-advantaged members of society, consistent with the just savings principle (the difference principle). (b) Offices and positions must be open to everyone under conditions of  fair equality of opportunity (Rawls, 1971, p.302) The first part of the second principle (a) holds the idea that the first goal in a choice should be to maximize the least well off rather than to maximize in general. (Maximin) This means that arrangements which imply inequalities might only be accepted if they increase the position of the poorest too. It is well explained by this graphical representation: C:Documents and SettingsRoberta SimeoneDesktoprawls function.jpg This graph is to be interpreted as if there were two individuals; giving freedom to our imagination let us call them: 1 and 2. The social utility of both is to be measured on the 45 degree line in the point of interception with the L curve. A few of them are marked in increasing utility order to give a general idea, I Already this argument (Maximin) proves the effectiveness of Rawls critique to utilitarianism because it gives attention to the distribution of wealth rather than considering merely the sum of all the agents utilities. This will be clear in the paragraph about utilitarianism. The justification for this argument is due to the fact that the randomness of the condition in which one is born is not linked to a moral entitlement. For instance the financial conditions of ones family or even the talents one has are merely casual. That is why it is right to increase first the worse off who had been unlucky in the lottery of life. Utilitarianism Utilitarianism was mainly born by Jeremy Benthams (1748-1832) work. His biggest innovation compared to previous thinkers was to found moral philosophy on a rational basis. This reflects the theoretical innovations of his time, which is the scientific method brought by enlightenment. He therefore tried to make ethics an analytical science which can be proven by logical and mathematical principles. This philosophy is founded on the basic idea that actions should only be judged from the value of its outcome. The key point if we assume this way of thinking, becomes to define precisely how we might value the effects of our actions. We could try to value different things which we generally assumed as good, such as happiness, satisfaction, wealth or even simple pleasure. Not giving any value judgment about this methodology to chose the right action, it is already possible to note that this part is particularly problematic as all these things turn out to be extremely difficult (if not impossible) to measure. The general principle is the so called utility, according to utilitarian philosophers it can be measured by calculation and thus it allows us to compare between actions leading to higher and lower utility outcomes. Bentham believes it is possible to possible to calculate pain and pleasure by using equations, this should be the way to define utility according to the duration and the strength of a feeling (positive or negative). Founding this principle of utility is a general assumption believed to be true by utilitarianism, it is the fact that any activity leads to two basic feelings, which are pleasure and its opposite: pain. Judgment about how to act should only be left to these two. In Benthams words: that property in any object, whereby it tends to produce benefit, advantage, pleasure, good, or happinessorto prevent the happening of mischief, pain, evil, or unhappiness  (Jeremy Bentham Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation  ,1789). As we saw in this paragraph this basic understanding of utilitarianism does not allow us to go beyond a personal, individualistic judgment. How should indeed societys utility be considered? The definition of utility states that it should be considered compared to the part whose interest is concerned. If we consider society as the interested party which might be societys interest? In this philosophy social utility is simple: the sum of all individuals utilities. (As we saw, Rawls position criticizes exactly this simplicity by which utilitarianism simplifies individuals and the general social utility. Which effectively is a fair argument against it). An individualistic approach by which each person maximizes its own utility does not appear to be compatible with collective utility. The way utilitarian philosophers think that it is possible to enforce public interest is trough legislation as a tool, the law should define the principles society wants to respect and the actions which maximize social utility. A well planned legislation will lead to harmonize individual interest to social one by making obedience to laws more convenient than breaking it. This means that the expected utility of committing an action against the law should be lower than the possible advantage to commit a crime. Indeed Bentham tried to find a way to define particularly the penal code, in this way anyone would know the punishment applied for breaking the law which would be leading to a lower utility than respecting it. To give another graphical representation to be compared to the Rawlsian one we can have a look at the following graph: C:Documents and SettingsRoberta SimeoneDesktopUtilità  ut.jpg Again we have our 1 and 2 (individuals) determining social utility, the parallel lines have again a slope of 45 degrees this time turned through 90 degrees. The social utility is on the interception where the two individual ones cross. We can note the fact that even if one has all and the other any (interception between x axis u1 and W1) we still stay on the same social utility: W1. Critical points in utilitarianism Utilitarianism was all but left without critics, already Benthams successor John Stuart Mills (1806-1873) who was the second innovator in utilitarianism started to criticize different approaches and assumption used by Bentham. Indeed Benthams approach used to be focused on the theory by which the public actor should act. Mills on the other hand was focusing more on the personal morality of actions. Compared to Bentham he assumes an approach which is more internal, he tries to focus on the psychology of the agent. Here we find the first critic to utilitarianism; Mills believes utility maximization assumption to be too narrow to explain agents choices. An interesting critique is the one moved by Bernard Williams (1929-2003) it is well explained by an anecdote by Williams himself known as Jim and the Indians: Jim finds himself in the central square of a small South American town. Tied up against the wall are twenty Indians, in front of several armed men in uniform. A heavy man in a sweat-stained khaki shirt turns out to be the captain in charge and () explains that the Indians are a random group of inhabitants who, after recent acts of protest against the government, are just about to be killed to remind other possible protesters of the advantage of not protesting. However, since Jim is an honoured visitor from another land, the captain is happy to offer him a guests privilege of killing one of the prisoners himself. If Jim accepts, then as a special mark of the occasion the other Indians will be let off. Of course, if Jim refuses, there will be no special occasion, and the captain will do what he was about to and kill them all. () The men are against the wall and the other villagers understand the situation and are obviously begging him to accept. What should he do? (B. Williams, A Critique of Utilitarianism in Smart Williams, Utilitarianism: For and Against, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1973) Since utilitarianism only considers the utility of the outcome of an action there is no choice. It is much better in terms of general utility to kill only one person rather than having 19 others been killed. This would simply be better because utilitarianism considers that each one counts for one and only one. What Williams argues is different: that it is not the same consequence if a person is killed by my direct action or if he is killed because of my indirect behavior, which in this case would be an act of not taking participation. Killing actively one person would not preserve our personal moral integrity because indeed we would have killed a human being. This would harm our own personal moral integrity even though it might be a better outcome in terms of social utility. That is the reason why this objection is known as the integrity objection. Rawls critique Rawls position is deeply against utilitarianism, as this philosophy is accepting to give up individual interests for majoritys ones. The utilitarian assumption that individual interest might be given up for society, is criticized even if the sacrifice of someones interest might lead to greater efficiency. For Rawls it is more important to ensure justice before efficiency. It is claimed to be wrong if the majority would get an advantage but the one who has to take the sacrifice is the worst of, and this is unjust. Accordingly, in a just society we have to assume equal citizen rights, which again according to him are an absolute right under any circumstance. The only admissible injustice would be the one which would prevent a worse injustice. The first critical point of utilitarianism he identifies is the fact that it tends to make the individual disappear. Utilitarianism has a very narrowed view of human beings only considering its utility, to the point that once the individual utility is calculated there is no other relevant information concerning the person. This kind of reduction leads utilitarianism to be a philosophy which is indifferent to identity and individuality of people. Further, another critical point is the one concerning distributive justice, utilitarianism tries to maximize the social outcome as a whole, what it still fails to take into account is the distribution of that utility.(As explained by the second graph). If we abstract and consider wealth as utility it does not make a difference it one individual has a lot and most others only a little: the general sum of all the utilities is still maximized. Between two actions, one leading to a utility of six for the first individual and an utility of one for the second, and another leading to three for each ,utilitarianism would choose the first because seven is greater than six. This is because all what matters is the sum of utility, although this leads to profound injustice. Finally he claims that each desire is to be calculated and compared to other desires although they might differ in their nature, what is to be understood as a qualitative versus quantitative difference. Conclusion What Rawls criticized in utilitarianism appears to be right for general principles of social welfare. Utilitarianism has to be awarded with the innovation to apply rationality to moral philosophy. Although it forgets the distribution of wealth problem. This latter one appears to be the most effective critique to utilitarianism. It is undeniable that the utilitarian view of each individual maximizing its own utility as he best believes also implies a higher grade of freedom of choice. This choices should thou be made in a way which is not interfering with social purposes. An action should not only be valued from the utility it brings to the single individual but society as a whole. Because in the end even the single individual is staying in society and thou being influenced from the status quo he stays in. Social welfare is not only profiting the ones who directly gain from it but the whole systems stability. Injustices are the seed of contrasts, the French aristocrats living the French Revolution might agree with this view. Not only is the critique effective but also fair on a moral basis. Society should not be led by individualistic principles, such an assumption would mean to put social morality on the same layer as individual one. But societies emerged from collaboration between individuals to achieve something more. This is the reason why the state should try to be better than individuals particularly concerning morality. On the other had it has to be stated that utilitarianism has the great advantage of being practical and effective to apply. The use of calculation implies an incredible advantage in terms of efficiency in decision-making. Further it is not clear why the two principles of justice should necessarily emerge from the original position, this is basically the critique moved to Rawls by many, among them Amartya Sen. The idea is that other principles might emerge from the choice made under the veil of ignorance.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Which Paper Towel Works Best -- science

Which Paper Towel Works Best When you come to the paper towel aisle in the grocery store do you ever get frustrated and annoyed by all the brands to choose from? Every brand is telling you that they are the strongest and that their brand will absorb the fastest. Have you ever actually taken the time to figure out which brand is indomitable and absorbs the quickest? Well today I will fill you in on this mysterious secret and tell you not only which brand is not lying to you but also which brand you are getting your money’s worth and if paying that extra dollar is worth the name brand I think that the most expensive paper towel will be the strongest based on an ice cube suspended over a paper towel over a bowl held by a rubber band. The materials that I used in this experiment were six different bands of paper towels; Scott, Giant Eagles â€Å"Clean and Tuff†, So- Dri, Brawny, Viva, and Bounty. I also used twelve 88.7 milliliter dixie cups, 50 milliliters of red colored water and a freezer holding the temperature of a negative twenty degrees Celsius. In addition I used a plastic bowl with the dimension of 18 by18 millimeters. And finally I had a piece of elastic string. The procedure for my experiment was not too difficult it just took quite a bit of time. I started with a paper towel, an 18 by 18-millimeter bowl and a rubber band. I also had twelve 88.7-milliliter dixie cups filled with 50 milliliters of frozen, red colored water. The first step in this experiment was ...

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Physics of Skiing Essay -- Sports Athletics Essays

The Physics of Skiing I have been skiing for about five years and I find it to be one of the most fun and challenging sports there is. A lot of the reason it is so challenging is because of the laws of physics such as gravity and friction. In this essay I will discuss how physics relates to skiing and how this physics makes skiing so fun and challenging. I will also discuss how things like wax and the shape and width of your skis can affect these laws of physics and enhance your skiing. There are really only two main forces acting on a skier, they are gravity and air resistance. The first and most important thing relating to the physics of skiing is the law of gravity. Gravity is the most familiar force in our everyday lives it is the force that keeps us on the ground it is also the force that makes things fall. We have all heard the saying, â€Å"what goes up must come down.† This saying is relating to gravity. Near the earths surface the acceleration due to gravity is 9.8 m/s^2. When you ski you are taken up to the top of a mountain by a chair lift once you reach the top of the mountain gravity wants to pull you back down the mountain. These forces of gravity and air resistance are what make skiing happen. The air resistance of a skier has a huge effect on how fast a skier is going to go. Air resistance is major factor in ski racing. A skier may reduce his or her air resistance by skiing in a tucked position. This reduces the amount of area that the wind has to hit, thus creating less drag and causing the skier to go a lot faster. Some world class skiers even have helmets that come to a point a few inches behind their head like an airplane wing to further reduce their drag. The reason that gravity is able to pull ... ...I would ski everyday if I could. I am so glad that there are such things as gravity, friction, air resistance, and kinetic and potential energy because without some of these skiing would not even be possible and without the others skiing would be really boring. If there were no gravity or kinetic and potential energy skiing could not exist. If there were no friction you would not be able to stop, and if there were too much friction you would not be able to move. And last but certainly not least if there were no air resistance there would be no ski racing. If nobody had any air resistance and they all just went straight down the hill they would all go about the same speed. There would be no way of going into a tighter tuck to go faster that another person. You may have never thought that if there were no such thing as physics there would be no skiing but it is true.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

“I’m a fool” by Sherwood Anderson Essay

Everyone has morals. The usual ones are: Don’t lie, cheat, or steal. The swipe in â€Å"I’m a fool† by Sherwood Anderson does not seem to possess these morals throughout the story, although he does seem to feel remorseful at the end of the story. He lies, cheats, and steals, though not in a way most consider normal. In â€Å"I’m a fool† the swipe lies. He lies about who he is, where he is from, and what he does. He tells Miss Elinor Woodbury, Mr. Wilbur Wessen, and Miss Lucy Wessen that he was â€Å"Walter Mathers for Marietta, Ohio,† and that his â€Å"father owned the horse About Ben Ahem,† and that his father â€Å"had let him out to this Bob French for racing purposes, because our family was proud and had never gone into racing that way, in our own way, I mean, and Miss Lucy Wessen’s eyes were shining.† He then went on to tell her about his â€Å"place† down in Marietta, and â€Å"about the big stables and the grand big house,† He had on the hill above the Ohio River. He justifies this by saying that he knew enough not to brag and to make it seem like they were pulling it out of him instead of him telling them. He cheats by using his lie that he is Walter Mathers, son of the owner of About Ben Ahem. He tells them that About Ben Ahem â€Å"would lose the first heat by pacing like a lame cow and then he would come back and skin ’em alive after that,† like he had seen it happen before. The swipe backs this up by having Mr. Wilbur Wessen place thirty dollars of his (the swipe’s) money on About Ben Ahem for the best odds that he could get after the first heat. The swipe is a thief because he stills another mans identity. â€Å"There ain’t any Walter Mathers, like I said to her and them, and there hasn’t ever been one, but if there was, I bet I’d go down to Marietta, Ohio, and shoot him tomorrow.† This constitutes a murderous attitude just to cover for himself. At the end of the story the swipe doesn’t tell Miss Lucy, Mr. Wilbur, or Miss Woodbury that he isn’t who he says he is, he doesn’t come clean with how he knew About Ben Ahem would win, or where he is from, even after Miss Lucy says that she would write to him because â€Å"She whispered and said it was like she and I could get out of the boat and walk on water.† So even though the  swipe is remorseful at the end of the story and says â€Å"I’ll quit working an be a bum and give him my job. I don’t care nothing for working, and earning money, and saving it for no such fool as myself,† he is still a liar, a cheat, and a thief.

The Role of The Front Office

A security weapons platform is most effective when all employees infix in the hotel s security efforts. present fleck round play a paticularly important role. Front desk instrument, door attendants, bellpersons, and put attendantshave the oppurtunity to observe all persons entering or departing the premises. Suspicious activities or circumstances involving a knob or visitor should be reported to the hotel s security division or a designated staff member. some(prenominal) procedures front desk agents should engross to protect guests and airscrew have already been summoned.For practice, front desk agents should never give keys, room results, messages, or unhorse to whateverone requesting them without first requiring appropriate identification. Similiarly, the front desk agent should not announce an arriving guest s room number. Guest s may be further proteceted if the front office prohibits staff members frrom providing guest information to callers or visitors. Gene rally, front desk agent should not mention guest room numbers. People trading guest s at the hotel should be directly connected to the appropriate guestroom without organism informed of the room number.Conversely, someone petition for a specific room number over the telephone should never be connected until the caller identifies whom he or she is calling and the hotel employee verifies the identity of the person in the room requested. A person inquiring at the front desk about a guest may be asked to use the house phones so that they connect hardly to the hotel operator. The caller can then be properly screened to put forwardadditional security. Front office staff may also inform guest s of personal precautions they may take.For example, front desk agents may suggest that guests hide and skilful any valuables left in their cars. Bellpersons consequent the guest to a room broadly speaking provide instructions on the exploit of in-room equipment. The bellpersons may also revi ew any decals or notices in the room relating to guest security. This should always include emergency riddance paths and procedures. The front office may provide the guests with flyers containing safety tips, such as the example shown in exhibit 6. 5.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Bilingual Education For Foreign Students

multilingualist teaching method in the northeastern joined States and Canada serves galore(postnominal) advantages and benefits for savants of limited incline skills. Since the previous(predicate) sixtys, it continues to serve a coarse advantage to unlike school-age childs. This is important because it gives these students the probability to achieve the Ameri hobo Dream.American educators have argued that the aim of pedagogy should be to assimilate a foreign student into the American mainstream, become good American citizens, and not keep their social identity. The prop iodinnts of multilingual reproduction believe that this form of management belittles a childs ethnic and cultural heritage, creates low self-esteem, and fosters a high up drop push through rate. Therefore, certain bilingualistist bringing up feeleres encourages students to oppose their address, ethnic and cultural identity, while at the same time run acrossing a invigorated run-in and cultur e al together. multilingual Education provides nurtureion for students in 2 wordss. The primary goal of bilingual education in the get together States is to thatched roof incline to students who dont articulate incline or have limited incline proficiency (LEP). Although Florida and calcium have obdurate to do external with this educational asc expiry, the bitterness regarding bilingual education leave alone neer end.In this paper different bilingual education apostrophizees depart be defined and the history of bilingual Education go forth be touched upon. The prompting 227 argument and several views towards bilingual education ordain be discussed. The final conclusion leave behind show my feelings toward bilingual education.There be numerous costes that argon used to instruct LEP students. Transitional bilingual education (TBE), which is presently incorporated in the NJ rail systems, is geargond to move LEP students into monolingual classes in spite of app earance cardinal or cardinal divisions. Programs such(prenominal) as this instruct students in their essential oral communication in the same academic take aim as their monolingual peers. after appropriate incline proficiency level is achieved the LEP students be able to transfer skills to control prosperingly in a monolingual class. At the same time students are as well as enrolled in classes that give slightons them English as a wink verbiage (ESL) (CQ Researcher, 1996). multilingual proponents who prefer the developmental bilingual education (DBE) believe that the transitional approach defeats the whole purpose of bilingual education, because it doesnt maintain a students native language. The critics prefer DBE because it is intentional to teach some(prenominal) the students native language and English. apply this approach the student is able to elevate his or her skills in their native language and also be able to mark English up until sixth grade. The idea, they say, is to teach additive bilingualism, which ventures students fluent in two languages while making them to a greater extent alert learners (CQ Researchers, 1996).According to the article, Teaching English to Non-English Speakers offers a Wide Range of Techniques in the CQ Researchers (1996), the just about sophisticated developmental approach is called bipartizan bilingual education. This approach mixes non-English enunciateing students with close to an equal number of English speakers in the same classroom. Students are taught in one language in the morning and the different language in the afternoon. This approach gears to invent both sets of students bilingual at levels of articulateness that leave alone each to advance in language as well as in other defeats.Such architectural plans are rare, but where they exist, and where they have well skilful bilingual teachers (teachers fluent in both languages and who use interactive or group- scholarship techniques), some researchers and observers say that students perform better at every energy level of learn than their peers, no depend what kind of focal point the non- two-part students receive (CQ Researchers, 1996).Immersion education is other kind of teaching approach to bilingual education. In these classes, receiven as surplus alternative argumental programs, the most common being structured assiduousness students learn their warrant language from instructors who teach them subject matter presented in the new language. composition concentration is based on instruction in the students second language, it is not what they call sink-or-swim. Sink-or-swim is when the teacher offers no plain help in accomplishment the new language. The United States Supreme Court, in Lau v. Nichols(1974), declared that not offering extra help was a violation of federal civil chastens law (CQ Researchers, 1996).The St.Lambert French immersion program was inaugurated in 1965 in Canada. It was de sign of the zodiaced to provide proficiency in both aspects of the French language, to promote English proficiency, to picture an appropriate developmental level of consummation in academic subjects, and to have the students earn and appreciate the French Canadian without winning away from the students identity for the English Canadian culture. These goals were shared by most of the immersion programs in Canada (cited in Paulston, 1988).The final approach is called alternate immersion, also kn own as provide English or provide subject-matter instruction. In sheltered classes children learn their second language scratch-year by examine subjects. My aunt, Odainy Tansey, who teaches in a bilingual civilise in Passaic sassy Jersey, says that the civilise dining table is attempting to introduce sheltered English into the classroom. She stated that sheltered English is not overtaking to be a good approach in introducing a new language to foreign students.The language learn ing situation contains the indispensable ingredients for second-language learning. There are three major components (1) learners that realize that they need that bum language (TL) and are motivated to make that move to learn English (2) instructors who know the target language well overflowing to provide the learning tools needed to be able to learn English and (3) a learning environment that allows both the students and the instructors together to be able to congeal the learning subroutine to work. All three components are crucial in the learning transition of a language. Although there are umpteen different approaches, these three major go are important. The three learning processes can be described as (1) social, (2) linguistic, and (3) cognitive (cited by Bialystok, 1991, 52).There are many questions concerning bilingual studies. For those whose families speak only Spanish, it provides an contrary and not terribly successful process of remediation (Kozol, 1985). For ma ny of the most successful English- intercommunicate students, on the other hand, foreign language study is a sign of excellence, preeminence, and academic promise.The law declares that classes conducted exclusively in English are inadequate for the education of children whose native tongue is another language and that bilingual education programs are necessary to ensure equal educational opportunity to every child (Pialorsi, 1974).Massachusetts became the first state to require and provide bilingual programs for children whose first language is not English. currently after New York, calcium, Illinois, and Texas had laws permitting local school districts to provide bilingual education (Pialorsi, 1974).Although bilingual education still does exist in many states. Florida has comp permitely done away with it, and California is in the process of also getting rid of bilingual education. The voting initiative, bid 227, will soon end bilingual education in California public schools. Bil ingual education was in full numbered to involve immigrant parents in the education of their kids or to meet the needs of a sudden influx of refugees. Under this new ballot, children will receive no more than one year in English instruction of what is called sheltered English. Though the sheltered method is un campaigned as a means of moving large numbers pool of kids into the mainstream classes, it is now the law (The New Republic, 1998).Proposition 227 was written by Ron Unz, a republican multimillionaire from Silicon Valley, he got the idea from a group of Mexican-American parents. Most of the parents thought that the bilingual education system was holding their children back. survey taken before Tuesdays preference indicated that anywhere between 30 and 60 percent of Latino voters on California approved of the measure (The New Republic, 1998). Latinos agree with this ballot as opposed to Proposition 187, where they took it as a form of immigrant bashing.In a monograph publi shed by the New Jersey Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages-Bilingual Education (NJTESOL-BE), Professor Collier shares some of her less publicized insights. We must encourage language-minority parents to speak the first language at home, not to speak Englishto deny a child the only means of communication with his parentsis tantamount to physical violence to that student (Amselle, 1996).Bilingual Education can be a rewarding experience if instructed by the right mint in the right manner. Sheltered English seems to be a terrible way to introduce English to a non-English speaker. The student will not be able to learn the language correctly and will not be able to get their correct thoughts across. learning just pieces of a language is not good enough. That is just like passing play to a country that does not speak English as a first language with only one year of practice in that language. It will be difficult to ask where the bathroom is let alone take a test in that language.The only way for Bilingual Education to work is if they use the two-way bilingual education. This approach will allow both non-English speaking and English speaking students to learn each others language. This approach will not make either student feel inferior to one another.Bilingual Education in the northeastern United States and Canada serves many advantages and benefits for students of limited English skills. The program has many good points and positive outcomes that out weight the negative outcomes. Most of the students depart in success. Every child has their own style of learning and no matter what you are teaching there will always be one or two students that need special attention. rather of doing away with the Bilingual Education program, they should design it so that it is full proof for the most part.The United States of America is considered the melting weed. There are so many different cultures and languages. There are people who are willing to put in ex tra effort and assist in making the Bilingual Education approach a successful one, and that is what should be put into perspective.