Wednesday, August 21, 2019
The Level Of Education System Between India
The Level Of Education System Between India The project provides valuable information on the research work undertaken on the subject To know the difference between the level of education system between UK and India as a part of country report work during semester abroad programme (SAP). The research was conducted on the basis of primary data and secondary data. A questionnaire was structured to obtain desired information. With the sample size of 50 personal interviews was conducted in Student mansion and Birkeck University to know what perspective do the Indian students have towards the education level of both India as well as UK and a basic secondary research was undertaken to understand the education level of both India as well as UK. The data collected was tabulated, analyzed and then followed by findings and recommendations. The study suggested that although the study material is the same in both the countries but the pattern of teaching differs. Thus the Indian students who come to UK to study has an opinion that the stud ies conducted here are more practical based and gives them a greater insight and understanding. INTRODUCTION This report pertains to the country report which was a part of the Semester abroad proramme (SAP) provided by Amity London Business School. The basic purpose of this country report is to provide students with an exposure of analyzing the country, to identify variations in both the countries that is in India and UK and thus choosing a topic of their interest in order to conduct a research. With the help of this country report students develop different skills in terms of creative thinking, communication skills, behavioral skills, technical skills, interpersonal skills, etc. thus the institute has provided students to do a country report. The country report was conducted on to know the difference between the education system between India and UK. The word education has arrived from the world educere which means to bring about what is already in. As Swami Vivekananda said, Education is the manifestation of perfection, already present in man. The basic purpose of education is to notice talent proactively and the purpose of school education is to guide the childs discovery of himself, to identify and nurture his potential to the fullest. Teachers must perceive children as seeds to be nurtured and not as clay to be molded. They must act as gardeners and not as potters. This attitude must be change and if it does so would the education system. It is very essential that education should be based on application and intelligence instead of trying to test the memory of knowledge. Memory doesnt have much relevance in todays times given the volume of information which is available on the internet. It is the application of information that matters and to be tested. Students must be taught the difference between being wise and being knowledgeable; being well informed and being intelligent. People must be cautious of Information pollution which comes along with globalization and which often blurs the difference between knowledge and wisdom. The education system must encourage the students to imagine and invent and not reinvent the same wheel. Each students imagination is different and, therefore, he has to be guided correctly to choose his occupation in life. There is no denying in the fact that a person who has found his vocation in life is a blessed human being. Education in India: A superior education system is of primary importance to a nation and for a nation like India which is growing, it is of great importance to reflect on our present education system and incorporate sustainable changes in it, to make it compatible with the global dynamism. The education which is been provided in India is via Public sector and Private Sector, which is been controlled and funded by three levels i.e. the central, state and Local. The University of Nalanda is the oldest system of education in the world. Majority of the universities in India are been controlled by the Union and the state government. Western education became more embedded into Indian society with the establishment of the British Raj. India has made a great progress in terms of increasing the primary education attendance rate and thus has expanded the literacy rate to approximately two third of the population. As the education has enhanced in India this has led to an increase in the economic rise in India. The private education in India constitutes to just 5% although in terms of value estimated is $40 billion in 2008 and which will increase to $68 $70 billion by 2012. Though the education system of India has improved still 25% of the population is illiterate in India, 15% who make it to high school, graduate. Indias post secondary education offers only 7% of Indias age population. 25% of the seats are vacant nationwide and 57% of the college professors lack either a masters or PhD degree. Indias higher education is the 2nd largest after the United States. The main governing body at the tertiary level is the (UGC) i.e. University grants commission which helps in maintaining the standard, advices the government and it helps in the coordination between the centre and the state. The Indian education system has expanded at a very vast and a quick pace by adding 20,000 colleges and more than 8 million students in a decade from 2000 01 to 2010 11. As of 20122, India has over 42 central universities, 275 state universities, 130 deemed universities, 90 private universities, 5 institutions established and functioning under the state Act and 33 institutes of national importance. Other institutions include 33,000 colleges at government degree colleges and private degree colleges. The system of Education in India is highly similar to that of the Anglo Sazon countries. The following are the stages: Nursery Primary Class ( 1 to class 5) Secondary ( class 6 to class 10) Senior Secondary (class 11 Class 12) Graduation (Arts and commerce 3 years, professional 4 years, Medical 5 years) Post graduation (1/2 3 years) The present scenario of the Indian Education system: The present Indian educational system is the implantation of the British rules. Today India is said to be the communication hub and hence it has become very popular with the international students from all around the world. The Indian education has become highly attractive because of its forward thinking, its popularity with large multinational companies, and also because of English being the most common language of communication. According to Peter Ducker, India has become a super power house very fast, the medical school in Delhi is now said to be perhaps the best in the world. The technical graduates of the Indian institute of technology, Bangalore are as good as any in the world. Also India has 150 million people for whom English is the main language so indeed India is becoming a knowledge center. Education In UK: Education in UK is a devolved matter with all of the countries of UK having separate systems under separate governments: that is the UK government is responsible for England, and the Scottish Government, the Welsh Government and the Northern Ireland Executive are responsible for Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland, respectively. UK offers an inclusive range of academic and vocational qualifications in virtually all field and subject for students of all stages and ages of their education. A wide range of institutions or universities in Uk offers courses in each level from schools, colleges and higher education. In all the levels other than the primary education students can choose to study towards the wide variety of different qualifications. Education in UK is mandatory for everyone between the ages of 5 and 16 and it is been provided by 2 kinds of schools: state 0 funded schools and independent/ fee charging schools. In the highly competitive global economy the educational performance of the UK population is below the standard of the best performing OECD countries. This is reflected in the UKs relatively low secondary school completion rates. It is because of the current situation of the secondary school system has led to the creation of new diplomas to provide young students with alternative routes into continuing education and work. In higher education sphere there are 169 British Universities offering world class studies to 2.4 million young people, around 1 in 8 of whom comes from overseas .The UK is the second largest provider of higher education for international students. OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY: The study has been conducted with the following objectives in mind: To know the opinion of Indian students studying in the UK on education system of UK and India. Which education system provides with greater insight and understanding. To identify which education system will provides with more practical knowledge. Which education system provides with greater value and opportunities for future? PROBLEM STATEMENT: To analyze the difference of management education system between India and UK METHODOLOGY: METHODOLOGY: The study was undertaken by using both primary and secondary data. Primary data was collected with the help of a structured questionnaire which was personally canvassed. Around 50 Indian students were surveyed to understand the opinion of Indian students on the education system of UK and India. All the students interviewed were between the age group of 18 to 25 years. The questionnaire contained questions related to education system in India and UK. Primary data was also collected by doing a Face to Face In- depth survey of the students to get the insight of the students regarding their opinion towards the education system of India and UK. Secondary data was collected through internet, newspaper, magazine etc. Secondary data will help in analyzing the education system in both the countries. Sampling: The samples of 50 Indian students have been collected from the student mansion and Birkbeck University for Quantitative research and sample of 5 has been take for face to face survey of the students. Sample Size: The sample size of 50 has been collected in which there will be a structured questionnaire and sample of 5 has been chosen for qualitative survey. The study requires and in depth survey so as to know the insight of the students regarding the education system in both the countries. PRIMARY RESEARCH: Primary research was undertaken by doing a survey of 50 International students. A structured questionnaire was prepared on questions relating to education system in UK and India. Graphical representation of the survey Which countries teaching do you prefer? Country Frequency Calculate Percentage India 22 22*100/50 44% UK 28 28*100/50 56% Analysis: The project was undertaken to analyze the opinion of Indian students towards the education system of UK and India with a sample size of 50 students, the respondents were asked which country classroom teaching do they prefer? 22 out of 50 responded India i.e. 44%. And 28 out of 50 responded UK i.e. 56%. Therefore from the above analysis it is clear that the Indian students who have experienced the education system of both the countries that is UK and India prefer UK teaching methodology. Which education system provides you with greater practical knowledge? Country Frequency Calculate Percentage India 15 15*100/50 30% UK 35 35*100/50 70% Analysis: Since out of 50 sample size chosen, 15 out of 50 i.e. 30% responded that Indian education provides then with less practical knowledge and 35 out of 50 i.e. 70% responded that UK education provides them with greater practical knowledge. Therefore from the above analysis it is clear that the education in UK is more practical based and provides students with more insight and understanding about the topic which will help the students in the competitive world in the near future after the completion of their course. 2.1) If UK, why do you find this education system more practical based? FREQUENCY More of industrial visits 29 Class room based activity 12 Primary research assignment 17 Role plays 20 Others 7 Analysis: In the above (2) question when asked which education provides you with greater practical knowledge 70% students responded UK. When asked why they find UK education system more practical based. Out of 50 students, 29 students responded there are more of industrial visits, 12 responded because of class room based activity, 17 responded because of primary research assignment, 20 responded because of role plays. Therefore from the above analysis it is clear that maximum students who find UK education more practical based is because there are more number of industrial visits, primary research assignments, classroom based activity etc. 2.2) If India , why do you find this education system more practical based? FREQUENCY More of industrial visits 14 Class room based activity 12 Primary research assignment 7 Role plays 28 Others 19 Analysis: In the above (2) question when asked which education provides you with greater practical knowledge 30% students responded India. When asked why they find Indian education system more practical based. Out of 50 students, 14 students responded there are more of industrial visits, 12 responded because of class room based activity, 7 responded because of primary research assignment, 28 responded because of role plays. Therefore from the above analysis it is clear that in India there is not much of practical based studies for students. There is less number of field trips, primary research assignments and classroom based activity. What according to you should India adapt from UK teaching? FREQUENCY Openness 27 Citing practical examples 35 Improvement in technological advancement 22 Others 13 Analysis: Out of the 50 students surveyed, when asked what should India adapt from UK classroom teaching, 27 students responded openness in terms of interaction with the faculty, asking them questions etc. 35 students responded that the faculty in India should cite more of practical examples rather than bookish knowledge.22 students responded that there should be improvement in the technology .and 13 students responded others. How far is India lagging behind in comparison to UK in terms of use of technology? FREQUENCY CALCULATE PERCENTAGE Very Much 18 18*100/50 36% Not so much 25 25*100/50 50% Not at all 7 7*100/50 14% Analysis: since out of the 50 sample size chosen, when students were asked does India lag behind in terms of technology 18 out of 50 i.e. 36% responded very much, 25 out of 50 i.e. 50 % responded not so much and 7 out of 50 i.e. 14% responded not at all. Therefore from the above analysis it is clear that India requires improvement in technology. Which education system is more liberal in teaching? Country Frequency Calculate Percentage India 15 15*100/50 30% UK 35 35*100/50 70% Analysis: Out of the sample size of 50, when students were asked which education system they find more liberal, 15 out of 50 i.e. 30% responded India and 35 out of 50 i.e. 70% responded UK. Therefore from the above analysis it is clear that UK is more liberal in its attitude as compared to India. Which education system do you find more exam oriented? Country Frequency Calculate Percentage Indian education system 31 31*50/100 63% UK education system 29 29*50/100 37% Analysis: Out of the sample size of 50, when asked which education system you find more exams oriented? 31 out of 50 i.e. 63% responded that Indian education system is exam oriented and rest 29 out of 50 i.e. 37% responded that UK education system is less exam oriented. Therefore from the above analysis it states that because of the pressure from the faculty and parents or to get a good placement in future marks are essential and hence a lot of importance is given to exams in India where as on the other hand in UK they focus more on understanding of the subject rather than cramming up on the topic and writing in the exam. In which country do you get more acknowledgement and respect to your views and opinions? Country Frequency Calculate Percentage India 11 11*100/50 21% UK 39 39*100/50 79% Analysis: from the survey conducted, when students were asked in which country you find more comfortable to express your views and opinions? 11 out of 50 i.e. 21% students responded in India and 39 out of 50 i.e. 79% responded in UK. Hence from the above analysis it states that students find it more comfortable to express their views and ideas in UK. An idea or opinion which is been stated by a particular student is appreciated as people here are more open to ideas and are not conservative. Which country provides you with greater opportunities for future? Country Frequency Calculate Percentage India 33 33*100/50 66% UK 17 17*100/50 34% Analysis: From the survey conducted, when the students were surveyed which country provides them with greater opportunities for future 33 out of 50 responded India and 17 out of 50 responded UK. Therefore from the above analysis it is clear that India provides with greater opportunities in terms of future growth. Which curriculum is more managed and structured? Country Frequency Calculate Percentage India 22 22*100/50 44% UK 28 28*100/50 56% Analysis: The survey that was conducted, when the students were asked which curriculum do they find more managed and structured? 22 out of 50 i.e India and 28 out of 50 i.e. 56% responded UK. Thus from the above analysis it shows that the study pattern is more organized in UK as compared to India. In which country would you advice your friends, family for studies? Country Frequency Calculate Percentage India 21 21*100/50 42% UK 29 29*100/50 58% Analysis: Out of the 50 students that were surveyed, when students were asked in which country would you prefer your friends and family for studies? 22 out of 50 i.e. 44% responded India and 28 out of 50 i.e. 56% responded UK. Thus from the above analysis it shows that students would prefer their friends and family to study in UK over India. QUALITATIVE RESEARCH: Face to face in- depth survey was conducted of 5 students in order to know the insight of the students. Unstructured questions were asked to students in order to know what they feel about the education system of UK and India. The following are the view points of the students: As compared to India students find UK education is more practical based in terms of visiting industrial. The example that was cited by the students was that back in India they have studied the theoretical perspective of the subject. But when they went for industrial visit here they could relate what they had studied in the past and could thus apply in future when they work for an organization. They got to know about the various lines of processes. Students mentioned how class room activity helps them to think out of the box. Students in UK have given a stipulated time and in that time frame they need to come up with a role play where in they have to come up with a solution of the problem. This enables the students to think swiftly and think in other directions. They even mentioned how case studies are given in each class after the theoretical summary about the subject. Real time cases are been given to students so that students can read the entire case and thus analyze the situation and thus discussing the problem in class and providing solution for the same. The students have mentioned about technology which is more advanced in UK as compared to India. In UK everything can be operated on the podium starting from switching off the lights, opening and shutting the window chick, the projector screen etc which saves a lot of time. They have spoken about how liberal UK is in its attitude while teaching. The faculty here believes in breaking the standard barrier of thinking in one direction and to think in various directions for proving a solution to a problem. Some of the students have even mentioned that even if in UK the emphasis on exams is not to that extent as compared to India, this even leads to students not taking exams seriously. Even though understanding of the subject is essential a base for the subject is essential which can be acquired by reading the theory. Hence students feel emphasis on exams should give to acquire more in depth knowledge. Students when surveyed mentioned that more opportunities for future placement for a job and for future growth is more seen in India as compared to India. FINDINGS: From the above research conducted by Quantitative and Qualitative the following are the findings: The Education System of UK is more practical based as compared to India as it provides students with more to industrial visit which helps the students to gain knowledge about the processes and workings that are undertaken. In UK they find their ideas and views to be acknowledged and respected and are even appreciated thus motivating the students to accomplish what they desire in future. The faculty in UK provides students with their real life experiences rather than the giving bookish example. Students find the opportunity for job or placement in India as compared to UK. The opportunity for future growth is seen in India as compared to UK. The education system in UK ensures students to have great amount of exposure in terms of solving case studies, class room activity on an everyday basis. On contrary the education system in India ensures students to participate more in role plays rather than field trips. The attitude in expressing views and opinions in Indian education system lacks openness. There is lack of technical advancement in India as compared to UK which saves a lot of time and energy of students and faculty as well. The education system in India is more exam oriented as compared to UK which is in a way vital as the students will not take their studies liberally. RECOMMENDATIONS AND SUGGESSTIONS: In India students must be taken to various Industrial visits in order to get them a greater insight of the working of management processes, working inside the organization. Indian Education system must have brainstorming sessions for students so that they can think out of the box and express their opinions and views. Indian Education system must have brainstorming sessions for students so that they can think out of the box and express their opinions and views. As compared to UK, India is lagging behind technology. Hence use of technology in a better way to enhance the learning experience of students thus saving time, cost and energy. There should be many more courses in India which concentrates on research fields only for the companies. As India is more exam oriented than UK, UK education system should have more emphasis on exam this would increase their knowledge to a great extent. ANNEXURE 1 QUESTIONNARE NAME: COURSE: Which countries teaching do you prefer? INDIA UK Which education system provides you with greater practical knowledge? INDIA UK 2.1) If UK, why do you find this education system more practical based? More of Industrial Visits Class room based activity Primary based assignment Role plays Other ) If India , why do you find this education system more practical based? More of Industrial Visits Class room based activity Primary based assignment Role plays Other What according to you should India adapt from UK teaching? Openness Citing Practical examples Improvement in technological advancement Others How far is India lagging behind in comparison to UK in terms of use of technology? Very Much Not so much Not at all Which education system is more liberal in teaching? INDIA UK Which education system do you find more exam oriented? Indian education system UK Education System In which country do you get more acknowledgement and respect to your views and opinions? INDIA UK Which country provides you with greater opportunities for future? INDIA UK Which curriculum is more managed and structured? INDIA UK In which country would you advice your friends, family for studies? INDIA UK
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