Friday, January 3, 2020
Physiology Of Hearing Anatomy - 1913 Words
POMS A1 Physiology of hearing The human ear is usually broken down into three main sections, the outer ear which consists of the pinna ( fleshy part of the ear), this helps to collect and focus the sound coming into the next part of the outer ear, the auditory canal. The auditory canal is the part which leads to the ear drum and is calibrated mainly for the human voice as this would be one of the most important sounds thinking from an evolutionary standpoint. The auditory canal is usually around 26mm in length and about 7 mm in diameter, this does vary from person to person but never by a great amount, generally speaking they are all roughly the same size which helps with hearing human voice as it amplifies frequencies from 3 Khz to 12 Khz. The next section of the ear, the middle ear consists of the tympanic membrane which is also known as the ear drum, this is where the sound hits and causes the membrane to vibrate, these vibrations are then passed onto the next part of the middle ear which consist of three small bones called the ossicles also known individually as the malleus, incus and stapes. The sound energy up to the inner ear travels through air but after these three small bones the inner ear (cochlea) is filled with a fluid that the vibrations pass through. I imagine the reason for this is that liquid can transfer the energy more efficiently than air. The malleus, incus and stapes act as an amplifier to boost the level going into this liquid filled chamber. TheShow MoreRelatedThe Anatomy And Physiology Of Cerebral Palsy And The Nervous System Essay1679 Words à |à 7 Pagessystems that consist of organs and tissues of different anatomies and diverse nomenclature. 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